Thursday, July 28, 2011

Summertime Sewing

Sweltering heat here in the Midwest. The flowers and shrubs are loving it as we get an occassional shower also. I've been sewing in my spare time and finishing up some UFO sewing that I've put aside for one reason or another earlier. Here are a few of the finished clothes for Sasha. Keep in mind the Toddler Sasha clothes also fit Baby Sasha.
Feel free to email any questions

Friday, July 15, 2011

Summer Nautical Dress

Long waisted cotton dress at ankle length although the photo looks like it is longer. The white hat is trimmed in fabric to match the dress. Great dress for a summer tea. Buttons over snaps for the back closing. Just finished the dress this am while we have a little breather before the forecasted HEAT wave hits us. Any Sashas left in winter clothes are begging for the change to summer light weight ones before the hot weather hits us. Forecasted to be as 'bad' as 1936 which is even before my time!
Still sewing away in my spare time. how about you?

Tuesday, July 12, 2011

SUMMER outfits for sale for Sasha

I've been saving up my photos of my sewing burst of energy for the week of the Sashs Festival for those of you not able to attend. I will be posting some fun clothes for Sasha, Gregor and Baby and even Toddler this week. Here are a few to start.
Contact for mailing prices and availability. Hope you enjoy the photos and find something you like and a treat for your Sashas